After months of planning Peppermint Smiles Art Classes is finally a real thing as I have been teaching a few budding artists over the last few months. It took quite a bit of time to get the place ready and make this dream a reality. I am starting out slow due to the current restrictions, so no advertising or booking forms yet. But I am sure things will change for the better soon and I will be able to take in more people.
Face painting is a lot of fun as I get to meet a lot of wonderful people, share in their events across Sydney and make little kids smile. But most face painting gigs are on weekends and painting on canvases is something I love far too much to let those weekday afternoons go free. Since I wanted to start out slow I have taken in just a few kids from my daughters school (who were super interested), and so far so good. The kids have loved every class and along with their skills I have watched my own confidence grow as a teacher.
It took a good amount of time to get to a place where I am comfortable starting my own art classes. Over the last three years I have been, off and on, teaching art to my students at the local girls guides chapter. Even though I didn’t charge for those classes, they helped me try out different teaching styles and nothing beats first-hand experience (actually dozens of experiences) in handling a classroom full of noisy kids. As restrictions ease over the coming months, I will be putting on more updates on my Facebook page (\nitasfacepainting). Till then I am restricting it to people I know and very small groups so I can manage within the prevailing guidelines.
So watch out for that space, and wish me luck over this new venture!